Category Archives: The Writing Biz

The Last Journey of the Potbellied Puma

In a sense, aren’t all authors members of the society of misfit stories, a scrappy but determined group of outsiders laboring away to tell the stories they feel compelled to pass along, never quite fitting in with the greater community? Maybe, but now it’s official for me, thanks to my latest publication in the February 2021 issue of the Society of Misfit Stories, from Bards and Sages QuarterlyThe Last Journey of the Potbellied Puma.

Subscriptions here, single ebook or physical issues from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

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Filed under Publications, The Writing Biz

Fistful of Fire

I’ve always had a soft spot for pulp and penny dreadfuls and other disreputable forms of literature, so I’m delighted to have my story Fistful of Fire published in Crimson Streets, a big ol’ pulpy magazine (I mean, it’s online, so it is not literal in its pulp feel, but you know what they mean).  And of course, it is awesome to have a story of mine actually illustrated, which is why the illustration in question is so big, up there.

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Filed under General Writing Things, Publications, The Writing Biz


I’ve got a story in the latest issue of Grimdark magazine, and as you can see from the image over there, I’ve maintained my streak of only being published in magazines with unsettling cover art (seriously, check out the ol’ publication page for a gallery). This one isn’t as lighthearted as There Are Rules, which was also under a spooky-pants cover, but it isn’t exactly scary either. Just a bit dark and grim (oh, hey, I just got that).

Anyway, I encourage ya’ll to pick up a copy, in whatever digital format you prefer.

Here, some links to make it even easier for you:






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Filed under General Writing Things, Publications, The Writing Biz

Another Book, the Third

Once again, it takes a book by Carrie Patel to break my long silence in the blogosphere.  As you can tell by comparing the cover to previous entries in the trilogy, things have taken a less chaotic turn, but things are still very exciting indeed.  And now dirigibles are involved!

Thanks to my long delay in posting, of course, you may have already read about it elsewhere, but in any case, pick up a copy today.  It makes a great Father’s Day gift.

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Filed under The Writing Biz

You Just Sound Defensive There, Trail

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, the erudite and well-read follower of this blog, about the latest developments in the comic strip Mark Trail, but for those of you that have been too busy to keep up with it, or absorbed in Ziggy or something, I’ll catch you up.

First, upon arriving in Rapid City on assignment, Mark was accosted by a kidnapper who was looking to add to his stable of victims, and who was interested in the careers of said victims:

The kidnapper’s intuition about the reason someone would have to visit the Cheyenne River reservation proved correct, as Mark confirmed:

So far, the conversation is pretty civil.  I mean, the “never heard of it” is arguably a bit rude (as is, perhaps, the non-standard pronunciation of “huh”), but as far as conversations with kidnappers go, you can’t ask for much more.  The man is expressing interest in Mark’s career, after all.  But things take a turn for the worse:

I have to say, I’m disappointed in Mark’s verbal sparring here, especially considering he’s a writer.  The guy gave you a nice opening, there, to defend the craft of writing on intellectual and spiritual grounds.  You could go with “Just because it takes you forever to get through an article about ferrets because your lips move when you read doesn’t mean everyone is semi-literate”, and that’s just off the top of my head.  Mumbling something along the lines of “Well, I make pretty good money at it” is just sad, especially to a kidnapper/bank robber.  Step up your game, man.

(Hat tip to Comics Curmudgeon)

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Filed under The Writing Biz

Get Me, Being Like Scalzi Again

As frequent readers know, I occasionally pull off Scalzi moves by getting Books and such.  Well, here I am again, showing off the view from my hotel room at Worldcon, just like Scalzi:


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Filed under The Writing Biz

Final Teaser

Redneck_Eldritch_cover_namesThe final Redneck Eldritch sneak peek is It Came From the Woods, by Jason Anderson, which certainly sounds foreboding.

We now return to me complaining about mis-use of cliches.

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Filed under General Writing Things, Publications, The Writing Biz

Teaser Tuesday

Redneck_Eldritch_cover_namesToday’s Redneck Eldritch sneak peek is a special one, from the very editor of the volume: Ostler Wallow, by Nathan Shumante.

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Filed under General Writing Things, Publications, The Writing Biz

It’s Tuesday If You Believe Hard Enough

Redneck_Eldritch_cover_namesSo since it is Tuesday (wink wink), today’s Redneck Eldritch teaser is Highways of Madness, by David West.  With a classic eldritch title like that, it must be good!

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Tuesday Teaser

Redneck_Eldritch_cover_namesToday’s Redneck Eldritch Teaser is Blood, by Steve Diamond.  It starts off even more horrifyingly than most, so enjoy!

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Filed under General Writing Things, Publications, The Writing Biz