Hey, Remember When Amazon Was Just Squeezing People Who Sold Stuff?

bezos2Guess now you can only buy certain things from them, too.  I rather doubt much will be done about it, legal-wise, since US law is a lot more concerned with monopoly than monopsony, but this strikes me as the kind of thing everyone was worried about when Amazon first started undercutting bookstores, then going after publishers.  Seems a little early to make the big move, though.  I thought the plan was to drive all the other sellers and publishers out of business first, then put the squeeze on the customer when it was too late for them to go anywhere else.  So maybe Bezos never planned on rising to be the only bookseller/producer in existence.  I don’t know what the plan is, given all this, of course.  I kind of thought the idea was that Amazon could start making a profit once they could set whatever price they felt like, but I guess the idea is to just make things harder to buy without actually making more money doing it?  Man, this is why I’m not a captain of industry – I just don’t understand this customer-focused business model.

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